Tijdcapsule 2016
This work was shown at the exhibition "&" at Graus Wonen in Echt (www.grauswonen.nl) from Sunday 21th of February until 25th of April 2016.
Dit werk was te zien tijdens de expositie "&" bij Graus Wonen in Echt (www.grauswonen.nl) van zondag 21 februari tot 25 april 2016.
210 x 270 cm, mixed media on canvas, 2015/2016
(Nederlands staat onderaan)
You and I and everyone
AND every day....
AND every day they flee. From war zones. AND every day they die. People who should not die. AND every day they come. With boats, in lorries. Because everyone wants to live. Because everyone is important. Because everyone has a right to exist. Because the world should belong to everyone.
On December 27, 2015 I went with my friends from Vagabonds cinema with this large canvas to the Asylum Seeking Centre in Weert to show a film to kids AND adults. So they would have a nice evening. I invited everyone to write their name on the large canvas. Because everyone is important. AND everyone has a right to exist. AND people were eager to write down their names. They wanted to show that they were there. AND they did not want to be forgotten. AND they are humans like you AND me and everyone.
AND so this large canvas has become a time capsule. With the names of people who have fled a terrible war. AND I hope that we respect these people AND we can live with these people. Every day…..
Jacqueline Muitjens, januari 2016